5 Amazing Health Effects of Fasting During Ramadan

Fasting During Ramadan, Allah the Almighty has termed the holy month of Ramadan as His month, during which his countless mercy, blessings, forgiveness, and kindness know no bounds. Ramadan is the month which is anxiously being awaited by the Muslim Ummah so as to take advantage of his benevolence and infinite generosity to become pious and virtuous Muslims.

Benefits Of Fasting During Ramadan

Following are a few out of several health benefits that a human body encounters and goes through while and after fasting.

Accelerates Metabolism: Fasting keeps your digestive system in peace and this can energies your metabolism to burn calories more efficiently. It regulates digestion and supports healthy bowel function, thus developing a better metabolism.

Prevention of the heart disease: Fasting during the month of Ramadan improves various diverse risk factors that may lead to a heart attack, high blood pressure, blood triglycerides, total and LDL cholesterol and high blood sugar, inflammatory markers.

Improvement in mental health: The toxins that are stored in body’s fat get dissolved and withdrawn from the body due to which the body releases high levels of feel-good hormones called endorphin, which has a very healthy impact on the mental comfort and peace.

Assist in controlling Addictions: From the bad habits to all shapes of addictions, Ramadan brings a scope to ditch them and revive our mental and physical health.

Fresher skin: Fasting for complete 30 days makes the body temporarily free from the function of digestion; in return, it becomes capable of focusing its regenerative powers on the other body systems.

There are also some challenges that people have to face during Ramadan. They could be a good excuse for some; however, you can easily confront these issues with some minor overhauling.

Challenges Faced in Fasting During Ramadan

Dehydration: During Ramadan, the only and the most troublesome aspect is dehydration which occurs because the body is incapable of extracting fluids from the food itself. As a preventive measure it is advised to consume water in abundance before sehri and after the fast is over.

Increase in stress level: Fasting may amplify stress levels and leave the body sleepless because of not having the desired level of nutrition through breakfast, lunch or dinner. Hunger may also cause headaches.

Heartburn: Fasting may root heartburn; production of stomach acid which is responsible for digesting food may be reduced due to empty stomach. Moreover even smelling food of thinking of it makes the brain issue orders to the stomach into producing more acid resulting in heartburn.

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