7 Things You Need to Know About Surah Al Kahf

7 Things You Need to Know About Surah Al Kahf , Sahih Muslim narrates the Prophet Muhammad PBUH hadith; "Whoever reads Sura Kahf on Friday, light shall shine forth for him between the two Fridays.”

7 Things You Need to Know About Surah Al Kahf

7 Things You Need to Know About Surah Al Kahf

About Surah al Kahf

Surah Al Kahf is the 18th Surah of the Holy Quran. It comprises of a total of 110 verses or Ayaat. The Quran was sent down to the Prophet Muhammad SAW in a series of revelations that spanned over the time that he spent in the Holy cities of Makkah and Medina in his lifetime. These verses were sorted under Divine Guidance into Surahs that were further categorized as Makki Surahs and Madni Surahs respectively. Surah Al Kahf is a Makki Surah. This Surah was revealed to the Prophet before he migrated to Medina. At this time, the Muslims in Makkah were under immense speculation as well as persecution. In order to help find refuge for the Muslims, the Prophet SAW left his home town for the welcoming city of Medina. This Surah was revealed between the 8th and 10th year of Prophet Hood.

The 4 Fables with 4 Lessons to learn in Surah Al Kahf

This Surah discusses 4 major subjects. First is the trial of Faith which is discussed from the 9th verse to the 26th verse discussing the Ashab Al Kahf or the People of the Cave. Second is the trial of Wealth discussed from the 32nd verse to the 44th verse; this theme focuses on the story of the wealthy and the poor. Third is the trial of Knowledge extending from the 60th verse to the 82nd verse which talks about Prophet Moses and Al Khizr. Finally, this Surah talks about the trial of Power extending from the 83rd verse to the 98th verse. In this theme, the prophecy regarding Yajuj Majuj as well as Dhul Qar Nayn is shed light upon.

The Men of Cave –The Test through Hardships

7 Things You Need to Know About Surah Al Kahf , The first fable is about the men who left their city and lifestyle for the sake of Allah as they left the paganism belief and became the true believers of Allah. They took refuge in a cave where Almighty bestowed them with a sleep that ended for an era and when they woke up by the time, the whole city was converted into believers. The lesson of this story is, Life comes with a certain set of trials for every person and believers who put eternal faith in Allah and remained steadfast in his faith would get assistance from Allah in the ways that are beyond understanding. Another moral of this story is that believers should strive for the company of people who are steadfast. Read more: 7 fundamental beliefs of Islam

The Owner of Two Lucrative Gardens –Test Through Wealth

7 Things You Need to Know About Surah Al Kahf , The second story mentioned in AL Kahf is about a person who was given two gardens that were so fertile and profitable for him that his wealth multiplied fast. The rise in wealth made him strayed from the righteous path and arrogant in his manners and eventually was dispossessed from all the given bounties. This proves that wealth and worldly richness are just form of a test from Allah. [adinserter block="2"]

The Story of Prophet Moses AS and Khizr AS –Test Through Knowledge

Prophet Musa AS was on a quest to find the most mindful and knowledgeable man on the earth, and then Allah made him to meet Khizr AS who through the circumstances proved to be knew more than Prophet Moses AS. This story comes with a moral that knowledge isn’t something that a person would be proud of.  Every skill or bounty a man has comes with a set of trials so believers should stay devoted to Allah Alone.

The Story of Dhul Qarnayn –Test through Power

The last story of Al Kahf is about the great and most powerful king known as Dhul Qarnayn. He used to travel across the world, help people in need and convince them towards Allah while spreading good deeds. He was the one who prevented mankind form the menace of Gog Magog. Power is something that makes way of ego and self-pride in a man’s heart. And it’s told in hadith that ego and faith in Allah are two opposites. A believer couldn’t be an egoistic person. This story is a lesson to all powerful men whose power couldn’t even reach to what Allah has given to Dhul Qarnayn and yet he was a humble soul and submissive to Allah for what he had. All about 7 Things You Need to Know About Surah Al Kahf

The Rewards of Reading Surah Al Kahf

This surah is positioned in the 15th to 16th Juz and comprises of 1577 words, 6360 letters and 12 Rukus. For those who recite the Surah Al Kahf on every Friday after Friday prayers, Allah promises that he or she shall be illuminated with light till the following Friday.There are a number of Ayah from this Surah that upon recitation serve to protect one from Dajjal. For booking and more details, please call us at: +1-201-366-1155 or email at: info@ilinktours.com ILinkTours.com Offers December Umrah from USA and Also Group Family Umrah package in Affordable rates.