5 Things You Need To Know About American Muslims

5 Things You Need To Know About American Muslims, Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Around 7 million Muslims are residing in the US making the greatest proportion of their population. 1% of the US population is Muslim belonging to various backgrounds and cultures. An ample number of US population that is primarily Christians and Jews converted to Islam especially after 9/11. The curiosity about the Muslims leads them to learn Islam, and they end up embracing it as a lifestyle.

Islam is the significant portion of the fabric of religions that holds the US together. Let's discuss salient features about the American Muslims.

5 Things You Need To Know About American Muslims

Diversity of Muslims in the USA

Diversity of Muslims in the USA

The United States of America is the colorful mix of social, economic, and ethnic backgrounds concerning the Muslim nation. They belong to around 77 various countries, and the majority of immigrants are Pakistanis. Even if you consider a small city the Muslims living there would be from Mexican, Egyptian and Malaysian origins.

The Role of African-American Muslims in the USA affluence

Prominent black Muslim figures in American history, such as Muhammad Ali, Malcolm X, and Elijah Muhammad, have greatly influenced society. Their movements aimed to end police brutality, secure equal job opportunities, and ensure equality under state law for Black people. Muhammad Ali's powerful activism extended beyond sports, inspiring civil rights advocacy worldwide. Malcolm X's oratory skills and call for self-reliance resonated deeply, while Elijah Muhammad promoted black pride and self-sufficiency. Their unwavering commitment to justice sparked significant change, leaving a lasting legacy on the fight for equality. Today, their messages continue to inspire as we strive for a more just and inclusive society, honoring their contributions to the ongoing journey towards a better future.

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Muslims are Nobel Prize Winners

This prominent community has made their mark in the field of science, and some of the groundbreaking American scientists are Muslims. Ahmed Zewali is a renowned Egyptian scientist who did an outstanding research in the field of Femto-chemistry.

Dr Hine Chaudhry

Dr. Hine Chaudhry is another shining star, also known as the Cardiac Magician. She researched in the cardiac regeneration and topped her fellow doctors by winning NIH award.

Islam came to the USA before Christopher Columbus

Shocked, aren’t you? When we think about the famous world explorers, the names of Christopher Columbus and Marco Polo come in our mind.  The history denies this idea as Muslims were the first one to reach the shores of USA decades of years before Columbus.

Thousands of Mosques in the USA

Thousands of beautiful Mosques in the USA

Mosques are the place of worship for Muslims. Around 2,000 mosques are present in the USA where California and New York contain ¼ of the country’s mosque. Other than the place of religious services, these mosques serve the purpose of social work and community aid activities by the active members.


Instead of relying on the media, we all need to learn the real face of Islam by doing extensive research. The message of Islam is universal, and Muslims are its true representatives.