Benefits of Umrah

You must have come across someone who changed completely after performing Umrah. Such are the miracles of Umrah. Once a person visits the House of Allah, he repeatedly longs to be Allah’s guest. Let us read more to discover the amazing Umrah benefits.

Spiritual Revival

In today’s haphazard and fast-paced life, people lose track in the maze of never-ending to-do lists. So much so, that they forget the real purpose of coming to this world. Umrah gives a much-needed break from mundane life. It is an opportunity to listen to the soul and its cravings. Only a close bond with Allah can satisfy that craving. Umrah opens the doors to spiritual revival. It strengthens the faith in Allah. It makes him realize that we are nothing but Allah’s servants. Whatever we have is because of Allah’s will. We cannot even desire unless Allah wants.

Forgiveness From Sins

We all make mistakes and act recklessly in life. However, Allah created us with a conscience that alerts us to our wrongdoings. One of the best ways to repent and beg for forgiveness is to embark on the Umrah journey. Allah forgives the sins of those who perform Umrah, and they become as pure as newborn babies.  According to a hadith:

“From one Umrah to another is expiation for what comes in between, and Hajj Al-Mabrur brings no reward less than Heaven.” (Bukhari)

Opportunity to Earn Immense Reward

Umrah is equal to Jihad in reward. Jihad is one of the most revered acts in Islam. Jihad means to struggle in the way of Allah. Umrah is a strenuous worship in which pilgrims go through physical hardships. Some people save money all their lives to perform Umrah once in a lifetime. Many people leave their families and children behind and embark on a spiritual journey. Therefore people make physical, emotional, and financial struggles to perform Umrah. Allah immensely rewards the efforts and dedication of believers.

Ramadan is one of the most blissful times to perform Umrah. Allah rewards the Umrah in Ramadan almost as much as Hajj. That is why millions of Muslims from all over the world yearn to perform Umrah during Ramadan.

Allah rewards the pilgrim for every step they make towards the Holy Kabah. When they perform tawaf, they recite supplications and earn rewards. Also, Umrah is a wonderful opportunity to earn rewards by helping fellow pilgrims who are old, weak, or alone.

When a person performs Umrah, Allah rewards him with the abundant blessings of the world. Umrah removes poverty. It increases sustenance. It brings good health, relationships, and prosperity in life.

Key to Peace and Contentment

When a Muslim feels dejected and lost, he looks for peace and contentment by connecting with Allah. The best way to do so is to perform Umrah. When the person visits the Holy Kabah, he realizes that nothing in the world matters, but Allah. He forgets all his problems and worries. He gains surreal peace. Allah rewards him with the strength of faith.

Chance to Organize Oneself

The best takeaway from Umrah is the chance to organize oneself for a blissful life in both worlds. People realize how they should prioritize salah, piety, family relationships, and overall Islamic values over too much absorption in the material world. It is a chance to get rid of bad habits and adopt good ones. Many people start taking good care of their health after performing Umrah. It reenergizes one with a positive spirit and good mental health.

Builds Valuable Virtues

One of the benefits of Umrah is that it makes people more pious and God-fearing. They gain virtues such as humility, empathy, and truthfulness. When people perform Umrah with their families, it strengthens their bond and love. They become more sincere towards each other. Such virtues let one lead a happy and peaceful life.

Amazing Benefits

When a Muslim returns from Umrah, he feels lighter. His face brightens up and he feels cheerful. These signs indicate Allah’s acceptance of worship. When Allah is happy with the conduct of his believer, he makes his heart open to good deeds so that he earns even more rewards. Hence, perform Umrah and enjoy its amazing benefits.

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