Blessings of Umrah: The Road to Purification

You might have all the worldly success and material at your disposal. Then why is there some emptiness in your heart? Life might be treating you well, but do you feel unexplained sorrow? Maybe it is time to answer your soul’s call. Embark on the holy journey of Umrah to attain eternal success and contentment.

Muslims perform Umrah, also known as the lesser pilgrimage, at any time of the year, apart from the Hajj days. It is a journey to the house of Allah in Makkah. To complete Umrah, they must perform certain rituals.

Why Perform Umrah? The Key Blessings of Umrah

Umrah is a wonderful way to connect with Allah. It is the most rewarding experience in a person’s life. Being the guest of Allah, you gain countless blessings and rewards for this world and the hereafter. Here are some reasons why people perform Umrah.

A Path to Forgiveness

We all make mistakes in life. However if one sincerely repents, Allah keeps the doors of forgiveness open. Umrah is a wonderful opportunity to seek Allah’s forgiveness. When you set your eyes on the Holy Kabah and shed tears of shame and guilt in front of the Creator, Allah wipes away your sins and cleans your deeds. Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“(The performance of) Umrah is an expiation for the sins committed (between it and the previous one). And the reward of Hajj Mabrur (the one accepted by Allah) is nothing except Paradise.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari)

Gain Worldly Blessings

There comes a point when you feel nothing is going in the right direction. You might be trying hard at work but you might not be getting the desired results. Relationships might not be working. When you have tried out everything in your hand, it is time to embark on an Umrah trip and leave all the matters to Allah. Allah never returns his humble guests empty-handed. Allah eradicates poverty when you perform Umrah. He blesses with good health, relationships, and success in worldly matters. For those who suffer from child-related issues, Allah eases their problems and gives them glad tidings. Therefore, Umrah is a blissful journey leading to happiness.

A Means of Spiritual Awakening

Sometimes it is your soul’s urge to embark on an Umrah trip. Depression, anxiety, and irritability are some signs that your soul needs to connect with Allah. Trying different things such as hobbies, socializing, and others might distract you for a while, but it would not bring lasting peace. Allah has created our soul in such a way that it is at ease only when it is close to Allah. Nothing is better than Umrah for this. Every step of the journey strengthens your faith. Umrah gives you such contentment and satisfaction that nothing in life feels wrong.

How to Gain Blessings From Umrah

Allah has blessed us with such an amazing opportunity to earn rewards and blessings. So how do we optimize this chance? Here are some tips to get the most out of your Umrah trip.

Pure Intention

In Islam, intention is a very critical part of the faith. Muslims must perform every act and deed to gain Allah’s pleasure. Your actions must not be to impress people.

When it comes to Umrah, your intention must be pure. You must set on the journey to gain Allah’s approval and blessings. Before setting out, seek forgiveness from your friends and relatives so you may enter Allah’s house without hurting anyone.

Firm Resolve

The best way to fully realize Umrah’s rewards is to make a firm resolve to become a better person after completing the journey. Umrah is a source of spiritual awakening. It makes you realize their objective of coming to this world, which is to lead a life according to Islam. It rids the heart of never-ending lust for power and wealth. So the key lies in remembering these facts even after going home and implementing them.

Also, during the journey, there could be instances where you might be tempted to lose patience. Checking out from the airport, luggage collection, crowds at Kabah and accommodation hassles might leave you overwhelmed. Do not forget that you have arrived to earn Allah’s pleasure and not his disapproval. Recite Astaghfar to keep provocative thoughts and actions away.

Engage in Social Welfare

The best way to realize the benefits of Umrah is to share Allah’s blessings with his people. This could be some words of encouragement and hope. Extend moral support to those in need without being judgemental. Guide them to the straight path. Engage in charitable endeavors to earn Allah’s blessings. 

Submission to Allah’s Will

This is the theme of Umrah. It is to believe that everything good or bad comes from Allah. This belief holds a person firm on the righteous path. Such a person will not fall to feelings and emotions and behave recklessly. When you show such firm faith, Allah blesses you with bounties in both worlds.

Final Words

Umrah is a road to salvation from sins and evil. It brings a person under Allah’s protection. Therefore, perform the righteous journey with pure intention and enjoy a blissful life.

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