What to Say to Someone Going for Hajj Journey?

Hajj Journey

Hajj and Umrah are indeed blessed invitations by Allah SWT Himself and an honor bestowed by Him, for any Muslim man or woman. It is not only a journey and the holy ritual that is very much esteemed, but also the Hajj journey itself with the sole intention of Ibadah (an act of worship) and to seek forgiveness for the past sins.

Given that, it is a good idea to pay a visit to any of your brothers or sisters in Islam who are to depart for Hajj and Umrah. Not only that it saves them a lot of time to individually visit all their relatives and friends but also gives you a chance to help out in any manner that you can and earn the reward for yourself too since no good deed goes waste in the sight of Allah SWT.

Some of the things to say to the one going for Hajj or Umrah are;

Hajj Journey

Ask them to offer any assistance

There are a number of things to pack and a list that goes on to complete before one part from one’s native lands towards the Holy Hajj Journey or Umrah.  This includes leaving kids with someone to look after, giving off debt, household chore management and various other tasks that need someone to look after them. If you are capable of any of it, it is a good idea to offer any kind of help you can afford. After all, there is a reward in every good one tends to do in this world. As mentioned in Surah al Rehman 55:60,

Surah al Rehman 55:60

Ask them to pray for you

Prayer of believing Muslim men and women is heard by Allah (SWT) and He may answer the prayers right away, He may delay them or save them for the hereafter. As per this belief, it is recommended according to sunnah as well to ask your folks to pray for you. While going for Hajj or Umrah, a person is traveling on the way of Allah and is off on a spiritual Hajj journey. Hence it is recommended to ask them to pray for you as prayers are answered while in travel and at Kaaba. Quoted in the chapters of Hajj rituals of Sunan Ibn Ma’ja, Abu Hurayrah narrated that Allah’s Apostle PBUH said;

From one Umrah to another is an expiation for sins that came in between them. And Hajj Mabrur brings no less reward than Paradise.”

Remind them to make a prayer list

It is always a good idea to remind your Muslim brother or sister who is going for Hajj, to make a list of all the prayers so they may not miss out on any of them. This is because on the Holy Hajj journey, they have a lot of people of their family to remember, and a lot of Dua’s to make for themselves. It is a good idea to help them keep reminders.

Remind them to make a prayer list

Above all congratulate your Muslim brothers and sisters going for Hajj or Umrah, and always ask Allah SWT to invite you there as well. For a hassle-free trip, check out our exclusive packages with holistic offers!

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