Hajj of Prophet Muhammad PBUH –A Guideline for the Ummah from their Beloved Messenger ﷺ

Hajj of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, Belief in the Prophet Muhammad PBUH as the last Prophet of Islam is important for every Muslim follower. An important life event of Allah’s Messenger PBUH is his journey of Hajj. He PBUHperformed Hajj 10 years after he migrated from Makkah to Madinah. This Hajj was known as the Hajj of farewell because he passed away two months following it.

farewell pilgrimage of the holy prophet

Hajj of Prophet Muhammad PBUH

There was an important message delivered for the Muslim Ummah in the Holy Prophet’s PBUH last sermon, which he delivered at the plain of Arafat during his Hajj. For this reason, understanding and gaining insight about the Hajj of Prophet Muhammad PBUH is essential for all believing Muslims throughout the world.

Journey to Makkah

in which hijri first hajj performed

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺset out for Makkah on Thursday afternoon, 24th Zul Qadh, 10 A.H. The Prophet, mounted on his she-camel, led a caravan of over 100,000 followers. When a place known as Zul Hulaifa was reached, the Prophet stopped, rested throughout the night, and then took a bath to put on his Ihram. This ihram comprised of two unstitched white sheets. The Prophet then led the way recited the Talbiyah for Hajj, which was repeated by all his followers.

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Arrival at Makkah

The Prophet ﷺwith his caravan of followers reached Makkah on 4th Zul Hajj, after a long and vigorous journey of 9 days. Upon arrival, he went to the sacred mosque to get a glimpse of the Kaaba. He then prayed to Allah and performed tawaf by going around the Kaaba 7 times. The Prophet then offered two rakat prayers at Maqam Ibrahim, went towards the black stone and then kissed it. The Prophet then moved towards Safa and Marwa as he declared them to be signed from Allah.

The Prophet PBUH went up the Safa hill and then went downwards. He walked in a brisk manner between the two hills, 7 times. He then ended his walk at Marwa. Some of the laps were completed by the Prophet, sitting on the back of the camel, so as to allow the many followers to see him. After staying at Al-bath in Makkah for 4 days, the Prophet moved on to Mina on the 8th Zul Hajj, after which he traveled to Arafat the next morning. His time in Arafat was spent in a tent. The plain of Arafat is where he delivered his last or farewell sermon.

Farewell Sermon at Arafat

In the farewell sermon of the Holy Prophet, he stated a great message to all of humanity and mankind. The highest moral values were announced. No Muslim was declared superior to another, no matter what cast; color; or creed he possesses. He stated that every Muslim is considered equal in the eyes of Allah and the best are those who are very conscious of their Lord Allah. It is here, where the Prophet ﷺwas revealed the last verses of the Quran, allowing for its completion. The Prophet then performed his Zuhr and Asr prayers together.

Read More: The Sacred Travel to Hajj

Journey to Muzdalifa and Return to Mina

After sunset, the Prophet set forth for Muzdalifa, where he performed both Magrib and Isha prayers together. In the morning, he prayed Fajr, collected 7 small pebbles and before sunrise left for Mina. Upon reaching the three pillars of Jamarah at Mina, he cast his pebbles as this is where the People of the Elephant were punished by Allah for planning on destroying the Kaaba. A second sermon was given at Mina. The Prophet then offered his sacrifices, shaved his head and removed his ihram. The Prophet spent three more days hurling stones in Mina, after which he returned to Makkah to perform the farewell Tawaf. All about The Hajj of Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

The Hajj of Prophet Muhammad PBUH is an important landmark in the history of Islam. It is an example of guidance to be followed by all Muslims around the world.

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