Different ways to Perform Hajj and its Rituals

Hajj linguistically means “heading to a place for the purpose of visiting.” This means heading Makkah to observe the rituals of pilgrimage.

It is the fifth pillar of Islam. It was made obligatory on 9th Hijra after the revelation of following Ayah.


It is obligatory on every Muslim, male and female who reached puberty and has an able mind and health to perform Hajj once in a lifetime provided that they have the resources to do so.

Types of Hajj

There are three methods of performing Hajj.


The type you choose will depend on:

Whether one lives in Makkah or not.
Whether one wishes to perform Umrah along with Hajj.
Whether one is desirous of offering the animal for sacrifice or not.

Features of methods of Hajj

Hajj Tamattu
Hajj combined with Umrah by ‘two’ Niyah.
The person performing this hajj is called Mutamatti.
A person enters into the state of Ihraam with a Niyah of Umrah (the first Niyah).


Perform Umrah during the month of ZilHijjah of the same year before beginning the rights of Hajj.
Tawaaf upon arrival of Makkah (Tawaaf ul Qudoom) is not required. The first Tawaaf made is that of Umrah.

Performing Sa’ee is obligatory. This Sa’ee is for Umrah. Mutamatti has to clip his hair after Umrah. This step is necessary to come out of the state of Ihraam.
Animal sacrifice is compulsory for Mutamatti. If he cannot meet the expense of it, he is required to fast for ten days.

Mutamatti enters back into the state of Ihraam with the Niyah of Hajj on the morning of 8th Zilhijjah.

People living in Makkah cannot perform this Hajj.

Hajj Qiran

Without coming out of Ihraam Hajj is combined with Umrah.
The person performing this Hajj is called Qaarin.
A person enters into Ihraam with Niyah for Umrah and Hajj.


Animal sacrifice is obligatory.
Pilgrim performs Tawaaf ul Qudoom. (Optional)
The Sa’ee may also be performed with this Tawaaf. (Recommended)
Qaarin must remain in Ihraam no matter how long the time period between his arrival in Makkah and Hajj may be.
People living in Makkah cannot perform this Hajj.

Hajj Ifraad

This type of Hajj is without Umrah
The person performing this Hajj is called Mufrid.
A person enters into Ihraam with Niyah for Hajj only.


Animal sacrifice is optional.
Pilgrim cannot perform Umrah during Zilhijjah month of the same year.
Tawaaf ul Qudoom is optional.
Sa’ee for Hajj can also be performed with this Tawaaf.
Mufrid has to remain in the state of Ihraam no matter how long the period between his Makkah arrival and Hajj may be.
This method of Hajj is for those people who are living in Makkah within Meqaat area.
Mufrid can change his Niyah from Ifraad to Qiraan or Tamattu if circumstances permit. In this case, he should follow the rules accordingly as described above. A resident of Makkah cannot do so.


Three methods mentioned above fulfill all the requirements of the Hajj. Yet, the best method of all is Tamattu as recommended by Prophet Muhammad PBUH evidence of which is mentioned in Saheeh Muslim:

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