Major Benefits of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) Favorite Foods

Often we eat unhealthily and make faces when it comes to healthy and hygienic home food. We clearly know that how much a fast food is causing harm to our body organs. Instead of shrinking these food items, we’re getting habitual of them.

A true Islamic follower heavily relies on Sunnah of our Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) and even do small to smallest actions in the light of Him.

Similarly, in the case of diet; one must take advantage of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) favorite foods. These food items have major benefits and were the most loved by our Prophet.

10 Favorite Foods of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H)

Here’s a list of most recommended foods which can do wonders if you eat them regularly.

  1. Dates


Fresh dates are eaten as a form of a quick energy booster. It’s preferred to eat with almonds or by drinking a shake of it to reduce any adverse effect.

The Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) said: “A house without dates has no food.” It reduces high cholesterol level and helps increase the blood. It nourishes the body as being rich in vitamins and minerals.

  1. Barley (Jau)

Barley (Jau)

Another most favorite food of our Prophet (P.B.U.H) was barley water which can drink in the form of hot soup or as barley tea. It’s known as one of the best cure to fever and has benefits for heart, cholesterol, blood pressure and bone health.

It lowers the risk of cancer and helps prevent constipation.

  1. Olive Oil (Zaitoon ka Tail)

Olive Oil (Zaitoon ka Tail)

You will be surprised to know that olive oil is a single cure for 70 diseases and it prevents aging. Green olives are said to be most nourishing and they have strong anti-inflammatory properties.

The Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) said: “It is excellent for skin and hair”

  1. Figs (Injeer)

Dry Figs

It’s a very helpful stomach agent for curing piles and gout.  Prophet Muhammad labeled figs as the fruits of paradise (Jannah). It’s also a big treatment for cancer disease.

  1. Honey (Shehad)


Honey as we already know has many anti-oxidants and is called as ‘Less Bad’ for diabetic patients. It is the cure of every stomach infection and is the most successful remedy for diarrhea. It is very beneficial in the morning in warm water.

  1. Melon (Kharbooza)


Its importance is relatable to Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) great words. “No woman who eats melon during pregnancy will fail to give birth to a child that has good character.” Melon is great for summers and has very high water content.

  1. Grapes (Angoor)


Grapes have purifying properties. Our Prophet (P.B.U.H) was very fond of grapes and once said.

“Grapes purify the blood, provide vigor and strengthen the kidneys, making them clear”.

  1. Milk (Doodh)


It is true that milk wipes away heat from the heart and has a very good impact on strengthening brain and memory. It is the best. Milk is the best form of pure calcium to teeth and bones.

  1. Mushrooms (Khumbi)


Mushrooms are one of the best cures for eyes and it is good for heart health too. It improves the immune system and serves as a form of birth control.

  1. Pomegranate (Anaar)


Pomegranate is also from the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) favorite foods. which cleanse your inner soul and makes it free from evil and Satan (Shaitaan). It is one of the tastiest and juicy fruit.

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