A Quick Guide on How to Perform Sa’ee?

How to Perform Sa’ee? Safa and Marwa are among the great signs of Allah Almighty. Every soul that visits Holy Kaabah cannot depart without visiting these famous hills and performing Sa’ee. The Pilgrims run around Safa and Marwa hilltops and complete seven rounds uttering words of Allah and calling upon him. Four times they reach from Safa to Marwa and do not return the fourth time that makes seven round of Sa’ee.

How to Perform Sa’ee? Safa and Marwa

How to Perform Sa’ee Safa and Marwa

Obligations of Sa’ee

Before doing this act of worship, there are certain obligatory acts. The first and foremost is keeping the intention pure; that this worship is purely for the sake of Allah SWT and for seeking His pleasure. Sa’ee starts from Safa and ends at Marwah. Completing the counting and walking seven rounds is compulsory. The area designated to perform this holy act is the place where Sa’ee must be carried out properly. Pilgrims must take care of their clothing while walking in Sa’ee as women must be covered decently and men should cover their private parts.

When to Perform Sa’ee?

The Sa’ee follows Salat of Tawaaf. It is recommended to be in the state of wudu while performing Sa’ee. After the pilgrims drink Zamzam, they move towards Safa and Marwa to perform Sa’ee. They reach Safa hill and perform istilaam while looking at Holy Kaabah, praising Allah Almighty and thanking him by making dua. Then the pilgrims walk downhill Safa and head towards Marwah.

Perform Sa’ee

How to complete Sa’ee

Sa’ee is an obligatory ritual of Umrah. It is not compulsory to perform Sa’ee right after tawaaf. If the pilgrim is weary, then he can delay Sa’ee for some hours but not until the next day. Here is the correct way of performing Sa’ee.

Make the intention pure.

It is preferable to be in the state of wudu while performing Sa’ee.

Sa’ee involves seven rounds just like Tawaaf. The Sa’ee starts from Safa hill and ends at Marwa completing one round. The second round starts from Marwa and ends at Safa. The seventh and the last round ended at Marwa.

Covering the whole area between two hills is important. It is not necessary to climb the hills; however, it is better if you do so.

A long gap must not be left in between the rounds of Sa’ee.


Sa’ee can be performed afoot or on a ride if the pilgrim is incapable or ill. Nonetheless, it is best to carry out Sa’ee on feet.



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