iLinkTours Spiritual


Our Blogs
Real Purpose of Life
August 28, 2018
What is The Real Purpose of Life According to Islam?

It is pretty much obvious that Allah sent every living creature to this world for some purpose. No uncertainty that we have to return to Him and he may ask us next whether we accomplished the purpose or not. Well,...

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Hajj Pilgrimage Statistics
July 20, 2018
Hajj Pilgrimage Statistics

Do you know that every year around 2 million people go to the holy city to perform Hajj? This becomes one of the obligatory pillars of Islam if one has monetary means. Not only money plays a role to envision...

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Dua for Laylatul Qadr
June 12, 2018
Dua for Laylatul Qadr

Allah subḥānahu wa ta'āla (glorified and exalted be He) says in the Qur’an: The Night of Laylatul Qadr is better than a thousand months. The angels and the Spirit descend therein by permission of their Lord for every matter. Peace...

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Sincerity in Salah
June 11, 2018
Achieving Sincerity in Salah

SALAH AND SINCERITY Salah and sincerity in Salah are two different goals but it is on you which one you wish to strive? Worship has three pillars; amongst them, one is to be sincere towards Allah. Your progress could be...

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Hajj Journey
April 13, 2018
What to Say to Someone Going for Hajj Journey?

Hajj Journey Hajj and Umrah are indeed blessed invitations by Allah SWT Himself and an honor bestowed by Him, for any Muslim man or woman. It is not only a journey and the holy ritual that is very much esteemed,...

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Fasting The Third Pillar of Islam
March 30, 2018
Fasting: The Third Pillar of Islam

Virtues of Fasting Muslims are a blessed nation. Their Prophet is most beloved to Allah Almighty; their religion is dearest to Allah SWT, their holy book is superior to any other scripture and the month in which the book is...

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The Inner Dimensions of Hajj
February 20, 2018
The Inner Dimensions of Hajj

Inner Dimensions Oh, you are going to Hajj? You are the luckiest person on planet earth! Allah SWT has invited you to His House! You must have said or listened to these kinds of statements. Especially during the month of...

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importance of hajj and umrah flights
December 28, 2017
How To Get Hajj and Umrah Cheap Flights Last Minute?

Importance of Hajj and Umrah Flights: - Hajj and Umrah flights - Muslims from all over the world travel to the city of Makkah to offer pilgrimage to the house of Allah. Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam....

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Conditions of Seeking Repentance and Forgiveness in Islam
October 20, 2017
Conditions of Seeking Repentance and Forgiveness in Islam

Seeking repentance and forgiveness from ALLAH for sins committed is a part of every Muslim's belief in Islam. There are many verses in the Holy Quran describing the mercy offered by ALLAH to all His believers. In Surah Al- Zumar,...

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October 16, 2017
Best Muslim Countries for Holidays

Best Muslim Countries for Holidays, You might be fond of traveling, exploring the beauty of nature and enjoying different cuisines. But the possibility of not having halal food or Islamic friendly experience might hold you back from fulfilling your desire...

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