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Umrah opening after Hajj 2017
October 13, 2017
Umrah Opening After Hajj

Umrah Opening After Hajj, Umrah refers to the pilgrimage that Muslims make to the holy city of Makkah, Saudia Arabia. Umrah can be performed at any time of the year as opposed to Hajj which is performed on specific dates...

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Top Reasons To Travel The World Islamic Point of View
October 6, 2017
Top Reasons To Travel The World Islamic Point of View

Reasons To Travel The World, I suppose all Muslims should actually travel the good self-sufficient things and here are eleven reasons why?? Reasons To Travel The World The Hajj/Umrah One of the top Reasons To Travel The World, Travel is...

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Top Secrets of Happy Life in Islam
October 1, 2017
Top Secrets of Happy Life in Islam

Top Secrets of Happy Life in Islam, Everyone needs a happy life. We all contain hopes, thoughts, and aspiration and the majority of these are interlinked with the chase of pleasure. We just do the things we do in life...

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5 Basic Rights of Wife in Islam (Over Husband)
September 27, 2017
5 Basic Rights of Wife in Islam (Over Husband)

Rights of Wife in Islam over Husband, Allah SWT states the purpose of marriage in Islam as the attainment of peace and tranquility. This peace can only be obtained in this relationship when there is caring, sharing, affection and love...

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Some Major Facts About the Battle of Badr
September 14, 2017
Some Major Facts About the Battle of Badr

Each civilization commemorate positive significant battles which have played an important job in its the past. For Muslims, the Battle of Badr was a most important occasion in which the Muslims conquered a commanding Quraysh defense force against all odds...

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Some amazing Photos from the Hajj 1953
September 6, 2017
Some Amazing Photos from the Hajj 1953

Hook a sight of how it was identical to do the Hajj 1953. However this was only impartial above 60 years ago, a ration has altered mostly owing to the rise in the amount of Hajjis going to do the...

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Hajj Ride 2017: A Ride From London to Medina
August 29, 2017
Hajj Ride 2017 : A Ride From London to Madinah

Hajj Ride 2017: A Ride From London to Medina, On a cold, breezy morning in the south of Turkey, a possibility meets would change the Abdul Wahid's worldview forever. He was shortly approached by an old man who took his...

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The Story behind the Black Stone (Hajr e Aswad)
August 27, 2017
The Story behind the Black Stone (Hajr e Aswad)

The Story behind the Black Stone (Hajr e Aswad), Throughout the year, a huge number of Muslims all around the world have the honor to perform pilgrimage (Umrah) at the Holy city of Makkah in Saudi Arabia. While circumambulating (Tawaf)...

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Right way of offering salah
August 21, 2017
Right Way of Offering Salah

Right Way of Offering Salah, All humans are created by the Lord of the Heavens. They are slaves of Allah Almighty and are programmed to connect with Him. This instinct of worship is a great gift for Muslim that enables...

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7 Things You Need to Know About Surah Al Kahf
August 14, 2017
7 Things You Need to Know About Surah Al Kahf

7 Things You Need to Know About Surah Al Kahf , Sahih Muslim narrates the Prophet Muhammad PBUH hadith; "Whoever reads Sura Kahf on Friday, light shall shine forth for him between the two Fridays.” 7 Things You Need to...

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