iLinkTours Spiritual


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Role of Mother in Islam
August 9, 2017
Role of Mother in Islam

Role of Mother in Islam, Being a comprehensive religion on earth, the Uplifted Status of Women in Islam as compared to any other religion, especially in the role of mother in Islam. One of the finest experiences of a female's life...

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10 Things to Know About Islam
July 31, 2017
10 Things to Know About Islam

Things to know about Islam, Islam is the name given to a fast growing global religion. With that being said, there are still many people out there who are unfamiliar with what Islam is really all about. From different practices...

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The companions of the Prophet PBUH
July 27, 2017
The companions of the Prophet PBUH?

The companions of the Prophet PBUH, The word Sahabi carries a lot of value and significance in Islam. A lot of times, we Muslim believers overlook this word and give it our own interpretation. In order to gather the correct...

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Hajj of Prophet Muhammad PBUH
July 18, 2017
Hajj of Prophet Muhammad PBUH –A Guideline for the Ummah from their Beloved Messenger ﷺ

Hajj of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, Belief in the Prophet Muhammad PBUH as the last Prophet of Islam is important for every Muslim follower. An important life event of Allah’s Messenger PBUH is his journey of Hajj. He PBUHperformed Hajj 10...

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7 fundamental beliefs of Islam
July 12, 2017
7 fundamental beliefs of Islam

7 fundamental beliefs of Islam, Every living Muslim in this world has to have a firm belief in 7 basic fundamentals of Islam. Without these fundamentals, the faith of a Muslim is rather compromised. 7 fundamental beliefs of Islam The...

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5 Ultimate Hajj Benefits for the individual Importance Of Hajj
July 10, 2017
Importance Of Hajj | Benefits Of Hajj

Importance Of Hajj, Among the 5 pillars of Islam, the most divine is the ritual of Hajj. Hajj means to intend the Holy Ka’aba to perform the Islamic rites. It is obligatory to every Muslim in this world to perform...

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Why is Ihram Important and What is Ihram Everything you need to Know about Ihram
July 6, 2017
Why is Ihram Important

Introduction When Muslim plans to perform Islamic rituals like Umrah and Hajj, it is also obligatory to follow rules that come with such rituals. Pilgrims all around the world head to the Holy city of Mecca to take part in...

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A Brief Guide to the Rites of Hajj
July 3, 2017
A Brief Guide to the Rites of Hajj

Rites of Hajj, The gathering of millions of Muslims in the holy city of Makkah, Saudi Arabia is a reenactment of our beloved Prophet Muhammad’s PBUH actions which he carried out 1385 years ago. To take part in the pilgrimage...

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Fasting During Ramadan
June 16, 2017
5 Amazing Health Effects of Fasting During Ramadan

Fasting During Ramadan, Allah the Almighty has termed the holy month of Ramadan as His month, during which his countless mercy, blessings, forgiveness, and kindness know no bounds. Ramadan is the month which is anxiously being awaited by the Muslim...

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Travel to Hajj
June 13, 2017
The Sacred Travel to Hajj

"And pilgrimage to the House is a duty unto God for mankind, for him who can find the way thither" (3:97). Hajj comprises of the following series of steps, none of the steps can be missed else the hajj won’t...

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