iLinkTours Spiritual


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Hajj and Umrah Services Illinois
April 13, 2017
Hajj and Umrah Services Illinois

  Illinois is a state in the USA, known for its religious diversity. Today, the state of Illinois houses the second highest number of different religious faiths. Reports suggest that Muslims have now become the state’s fastest-growing faith among a...

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Everything you need to Know about Ramadan
April 4, 2017
Everything you need to Know about Ramadan

Every year 1.6 billion Muslims from all over the world observe the most sacred month of their religion, Ramadan. It is the period Muslims spent reaffirming fundamental beliefs and values intrinsic to their faith. People outside the religion must be...

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Tips and Advice's for Hajj
April 2, 2017
Tips and Advice’s for Hajj

Any Muslim who is in good health and wealth state must perform Hajj. It is mandatory and an obligatory. You cannot take it as an option. No one can ever take this for granted. If you are a sahib-istatat, then...

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The Sunnah Diet Eating in Moderation
March 30, 2017
The Sunnah Diet Eating in Moderation

I don’t have Khushoo in Salah! I can’t get up for Fajar! I feel tired! We have heard saying these phrases from others and from ourselves too. These conditions are a result of eating too much. Eating excessively is the...

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How to Stay Safe during Hajj 2017
March 24, 2017
How to Stay Safe during Hajj

Hajj is a journey of love- the pure worship of the believer for Allah ﷻ. A Muslim leaves the luxury of his home and goes to expedition full of hardships just to please his Lord. Every able Muslims is expected...

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Hajj and Umrah Services Oregon
March 20, 2017
Hajj and Umrah Services Oregon

Oregon is scenic coastal state situated in the Northwest of America. The state is famous for its splendid landscape of beaches, farms, mountains, and forests. Oregon is the abode of more than 10,000 Muslims who are living according to the...

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5 Benefits of Surah Yasin
March 17, 2017
5 Benefits of Surah Yasin

Quran is the best Marvel and blessing of Allah SWT which He bestowed upon humankind. On recitation of each word of the Holy Quran, there is a reward for a believer. Other than the reward on the general text of...

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Hijab A perspective from the Quran
March 13, 2017
Hijab A perspective from the Quran

Hijab The terminology In literature, the meaning of Hijab is “a curtain, cover or a screen.” Now a day, the term Hijab is used (especially in Media and in Western society) to refer to the headdress and the overall clothing...

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Hajj and Umrah Service Newark
March 9, 2017
Hajj and Umrah Service Newark

Islam is an established religion and Muslims are an integral part of USA. Newark being the most populous city in New Jersey is no alien to Muslims community. Largest Muslim community of the state resides in Newark. It holds many...

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The Importance of Pilgrimage to Muslim Americans
March 4, 2017
The Importance of Pilgrimage to Muslim Americans

What is Pilgrimage? Pilgrimage (Hajj in Arabic) is the fifth pillar of Islam. It consists of a visit to Mecca where a Muslim needs to spend five days and perform different rituals. Hajj was first performed by Prophet Ibrahim (A.S),...

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