iLinkTours Spiritual


Our Blogs
Marriage in American Muslim Community
January 23, 2017
Marriage in American Muslim Community

Muslim families in America are facing a lot of challenges and difficulties on marriage. As Muslims move to the non-Muslims countries, they have to adapt the secular values and culture of Western states. The vibrancy and future integrity of Muslim...

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The HajjUmrah Checklist
January 20, 2017
The Hajj/Umrah Checklist

The expedition of Umrah and Hajj checklist is a very arduous and demanding one. Since pilgrims are constantly traveling from one stop to another, it can often be very challenging to carry all your everyday and travel essentials with yourself....

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Hajj and Umrah Services Houston
January 16, 2017
Hajj and Umrah Services Houston

Houston is abode to a large number of Muslims of USA. Muslims feel secure and safe here having access to an extensive range of amenities. Being the biggest Muslim society, around 17 Mosques and many Islamic schools are situated in...

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The Right Age to Perform Umrah
January 13, 2017
The Right Age to Perform Umrah

An Umrah is simply the spiritual journey undertaken by a Muslim to the Holy Land. It is a laborious task and should not be underestimated. The question often raised is what is the ideal time to perform Umrah is a...

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Types of Hajj and Umrah
January 6, 2017
What is The Difference between Hajj and Umrah

Difference Between Hajj and Umrah, Hajj and Umrah as Islam is the quickest growing religion of today having around 1.6 billion servants of Allah SWT around the globe. It spurs love, peace, and acceptance for one another. It reinforces equality, morality...

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Rabi al Thani its Believes
January 2, 2017
Rabi al Thani its Believe

Rabi al Tha’ni is the fourth month of the Islamic calendar and is often referred to as Rabi al Aakhir. This month signifies practicing no specific ritual as stated by the Shariah. The 11th of this month is considered to...

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Umrah with Kids
December 30, 2016
Performing Umrah with Kids Guide

Tips for Performing Umrah with Kids Umrah a life-long dream of every Muslim yet having toddlers and children on this expedition could be a tiresome and nerve-wrenching experience. Although kids are the biggest concern for parents if you follow few...

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The Uplifted Status of Women in Islam
December 26, 2016
The Uplifted Status of Women in Islam

The west has commonly drawn a stereotype image of Muslim women clad from head to toe in a black veil and abaya. They are deemed as voiceless, meek figures that do not have any rights or the power to stand...

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22 Blessings that you can get on Jummah
December 23, 2016
22 Blessings that you can get on Jummah

Friday, the best day of the week, is the day when Allah SWT showers His especial mercies over Muslims. It is the most beneficial day than any other day as rewards are increased on this day.  Muslims gather to offer...

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Hair in Umrah
December 19, 2016
The Religious Faith of Trimming Hair in Umrah

Oh, my Lord! I am yearning for the Call to pray when I can be close to the Kaabah wall for the day. Who would not wish to be close to the Kaabah wall praying and feeling closer to Allah...

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