iLinkTours Spiritual


Our Blogs
Role of Education in Islam
November 11, 2023
Role of Education in Islam

Education plays a pivotal role in the advancement and development of any society. It serves as a guiding force, enabling individuals to discern between right and wrong, fulfill personal and societal obligations, and thrive within the community while adhering to...

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Islam Belief and Practices
October 20, 2023
Things to Know about Islam

The basic belief of Islam, Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. It is the second largest faith in the world. Following are some of the most important things to know about Islam. Belief in Oneness of Allah:...

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Basic Knowledge of Islam for Beginners
September 16, 2023
Basic Knowledge of Islam for Beginners

Knowledge for Beginners Beginners - Islam is considered one of the fastest-growing religions of today. Islam is based on the belief of the oneness of Allah SWT, the sole creator of the universe and the heavens above. Islam is not...

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Oldest Masjid Around The World
September 8, 2023
The 10 Oldest Masjids Around The World

Masjid Al-Aqsa: - Masjid Al-Aqsa, an iconic Islamic structure, boasts a rich history dating back to 705 AD. Nestled in the heart of Jerusalem, it occupies a profoundly revered status among Muslims globally. Before the Holy Kaaba, Masjid Al-Aqsa served...

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August 21, 2023
Revive your Faith and Soul by Reciting the Holy Quran

Quran –the last and most authentic way to approach Allah ﷻ message, the true guide to lead a successful life and achieve Jannah in hereafter. The believers take the Holy Quran as a divine gift from Allah and an incredible...

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August 12, 2023
The Enhanced Spiritual Aura of Madinah in Ramadan

The importance of performing Umrah in Ramadan is highly beneficial for a Muslim. But have you thought about performing Umrah in the blessed month? Most people think that performing Umrah in such warm weather with nothing to eat or drink...

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Concept of Khalifa
July 25, 2023
Islam and Environmental Stewardship: Exploring the Concept of Khalifa

Islamic teachings about environmental sustainability:- Islam is a universal religion that goes beyond worship. Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) addressed issues such as environmental protection at a time when people could not profess what was about to come in the future....

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July 15, 2023
Facts About The Month Of Safar

The Month of Safar is a Holy Month Facts About The Month Of Safar, Safar is the second of the twelve Islamic months. It comes after Muharram. It is one of the four months that Allah has declared as sacred months....

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5 Secrets of Supplications to get Heard by Allah ﷻ
July 9, 2023
5 Secrets of Supplications to get Heard by Allah ﷻ

Most of us find it really frustrating that we pray and pray but our dua’s are not answered by Allah. Whether we are asking something for ourselves or asking Allah to remove some harm out of the way – the...

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5 Things You Need To Know About American Muslims
June 18, 2023
5 Things You Need To Know About American Muslims

5 Things You Need To Know About American Muslims, Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Around 7 million Muslims are residing in the US making the greatest proportion of their population. 1% of the US population is...

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