iLinkTours Spiritual


Our Blogs
Hagia Sophia
December 4, 2021
Traveling Hagia Sophia During Istanbul Trip

Planning to visit any of the Arab countries, you cannot miss Turkey. Turkey is a unique combination of East and west. Its rich history and culture draw people magnetically from all over the world. Take a cruise by the Bosphorus...

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about Masjid e Aqsa
November 20, 2021
Brief history about masjid al Aqsa

Introduction about Masjid-e-Aqsa: - The holy mosque of Al Aqsa holds a special place in every Muslim's heart. Every Muslim knows where is Masjid-e- Aqsa. After the holy mosques of Makkah and Madinah, it is Masjid-e-Aqsa that is the most...

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vaccinated foreigners for umrah
November 6, 2021
Saudi allow vaccinated foreigners for Umrah

The worst thing that Muslims witnessed during the early days of the pandemic was deserted Holy Kabah and Masjid-e-Nabavi. When the Saudi Arabian authorities announced that they will allow foreigners for Umrah, waves of joy spread across the entire Muslim...

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Best Makkah and Madinah hotel
October 30, 2021
Best Makkah and Madinah hotels you should stay in when you are on Umrah

Now that the Saudi authorities have lifted the ban on Umrah, it is time to do your research regarding the best Makkah and Madinah hotels. With foreigners being allowed to perform Umrah, the hotels are likely to be overwhelmed with...

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salah in hijr ismail
September 19, 2021
Importance of praying Salah in Hijr Ismail

Muslims all over the world felt joyous and relieved when the Saudi Arabian authorities announced to accept Umrah applications from foreigners. However, with the new Umrah rules, it is not going to be the same as before. You need to...

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September 15, 2021
New Umrah Rules

Saudi Arabia lifts the temporary ban on foreign pilgrims:- Muslims travel to the holy city of Makkah to perform Umrah around the Holy Kabah. Unfortunately, the Saudi Arabian government had imposed a temporary ban on performing Umrah due to Covid...

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January 11, 2021
Umrah Guide

Umrah Guide - Help you How to Perform it The word ‘Umrah’ literally translates to ‘to visit a populated place.’ In Islam, Umrah means visiting the Ka’abah and performing all the required practices. There is no specific time for performing,...

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December 31, 2020
Islam and Marriage – Choosing the Right Life Partner

Right Life Partner Marriage is the purest bond between two people who are not of the same blood. It is not the joining of two bodies; it is the joining of two souls and of two different minds. Islam has...

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Visiting the Prophet Grave is Sunnah
December 15, 2020
Visiting the Prophet Grave is Sunnah

Prophet Grave Every believer and a true Muslim have got the desire to visit the grave of the Holy Prophet ﷺ once in his life. There are some people who spend their entire savings just on having a glimpse of...

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Useful Umrah Tips for Muslim Women
December 10, 2020
Umrah Tips for Women

Blessings of Umrah: - Umrah tips for women for Spiritual journey. This trip helps you earn unlimited rewards and blessings. It is a beautiful way of cleansing your soul and heart of all the worldly desires and wishes. It brings...

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