Category : Informational
5 Benefits of Surah Yasin
Quran is the best Marvel and blessing of Allah SWT which He bestowed upon humankind. On recitation of each word of the Holy Quran, there is a reward for a believer. Other than the reward on the general text of the Quran, some special Surahs hold recompense superior as compared to others. Surah Yasin is […]
Hijab A perspective from the Quran
Hijab The terminology In literature, the meaning of Hijab is “a curtain, cover or a screen.” Now a day, the term Hijab is used (especially in Media and in Western society) to refer to the headdress and the overall clothing of the Muslim women. The dress which is by the teachings of Islam and fulfills […]
The Importance of Pilgrimage to Muslim Americans
What is Pilgrimage? Pilgrimage (Hajj in Arabic) is the fifth pillar of Islam. It consists of a visit to Mecca where a Muslim needs to spend five days and perform different rituals. Hajj was first performed by Prophet Ibrahim (A.S), and the coming generations continued this ritual in one form or the other until Islam […]
Umrah Visa Requirements [Infographic]
1) An original document of Umrah Visa application must be completed and submitted. The statements towards the conclusion of the application form must be vigilantly studied and signed. If visa application documents are required by post, then send a substantial envelope addressed to your closest Saudi Consulate. 2) If a Muslim is bearing a non-Muslim […]
The Spirit of Marriage in Islam
Nikah: A Divine Institution The concept of marriage in Muslims is implemented through the sacred institution of Nikah. The literal meaning of word Nikah is Aqad (contract), but the usability of this term is specified for the wedlock in Muslim society. In Quran, this term is used to describe the coming to gather of various […]
The Significance of the Adab of drinking Zamzam
What cool and refreshing drink can slake your thirst in sizzling hot Arabian Desert? Zamzam is that miraculous and blessed water that quenches the thirst of billions of people throughout history. For pilgrims traveling to Makkah and Madinah for Hajj, this water is special and significant. It is associated with remarkable names in Islamic history […]
Improve Your Relationship with the Quran
Quran is the word of Allah the Almighty. The Sole Creator of the heavens and earth converse with us through this book and guides us in every aspect of life. He has dismounted the Holy Quran by sending his most special angel Hazrat Jibreel to his most beloved Apostle Prophet Muhammad PBUH. The word of […]
When is Umrah Visa Available
Umrah is one of the beautiful Sunnah and soulful journey to the house of Allah SWT. The Creator of the universe wants his servants to get purified from sins by performing this spiritual voyage. Therefore Muslims from all over the world with all the love, yearning and gratefulness go on this holy expedition. Their eyes […]
Hijama The Super Sunnah that will make you Uber Healthy
Lately,Hijama is picking up prevalence at an exceptionally fast pace. That is because there are exceptional benefits and advantages hidden in this therapy. It is the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH, and this fact is enough for Muslims to take after devotedly and passionately. Secondly, people around the world are becoming more aware of […]
How Long Does It Take To Get Umrah Visa from USA
Introduction Umrah Visa from the USA, Umrah is an auspicious ritual for Muslims which comprises of a visit to the holy lands of Macca and Medina. Umrah can be performed throughout the year at any time according to the Shariah. But Saudi Government restricts the visa issuance for Umrah for a few instances during the […]