Category : Informational

Rules of Islamic Dream Interpretation

Rules of Islamic Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation is a science that is extremely obscure, difficult, and delicate than dreams as it is a sort of revelation and a kind of Prophethood.  The words of Allah’s Apostle PBUH as quoted by Anas bin Malik states: “A good dream of a righteous man is one of the forty six parts of prophecy.” […]

Marriage in American Muslim Community

Marriage in American Muslim Community 1

Muslim families in America are facing a lot of challenges and difficulties on marriage. As Muslims move to the non-Muslims countries, they have to adapt the secular values and culture of Western states. The vibrancy and future integrity of Muslim kinship are in an alarming situation now.  Some of the evidence are rising rate of […]

The Right Age to Perform Umrah

The Right Age to Perform Umrah

An Umrah is simply the spiritual journey undertaken by a Muslim to the Holy Land. It is a laborious task and should not be underestimated. The question often raised is what is the ideal time to perform Umrah is a Muslim’s life in which he/she can make the most out of their journey? There truly […]

Rabi al Thani its Believe

Rabi al Thani and Heresy

Rabi al Tha’ni is the fourth month of the Islamic calendar and is often referred to as Rabi al Aakhir. This month signifies practicing no specific ritual as stated by the Shariah. The 11th of this month is considered to be the death anniversary of Baghdadi saint, Shaikh Abdul Qadir Al-Jilani. Muslims all across the […]

The Uplifted Status of Women in Islam

The Uplifted Status of Women in Islam

The west has commonly drawn a stereotype image of Muslim women clad from head to toe in a black veil and abaya. They are deemed as voiceless, meek figures that do not have any rights or the power to stand up for what believe in. On the contrary, there is no religion other than Islam […]

22 Blessings that you can get on Jummah


Friday, the best day of the week, is the day when Allah SWT showers His especial mercies over Muslims. It is the most beneficial day than any other day as rewards are increased on this day.  Muslims gather to offer Jummah prayer and khutbahs are delivered in every mosque on Fridays. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad […]

The Religious Faith of Trimming Hair in Umrah

Hair in Umrah

Oh, my Lord! I am yearning for the Call to pray when I can be close to the Kaabah wall for the day. Who would not wish to be close to the Kaabah wall praying and feeling closer to Allah SWT? Umrah is one such feeling of getting closer to the Lord of the Heavens.  […]

The Islamic Way Out To Escape Christmas for American Muslims

American Muslims

American Muslims may be able to successfully avoid Valentines, Thanksgiving and Halloween celebrations but Christmas is getting harder and harder to escape. Firstly, it is getting larger than life with the entire country decked in beautiful Christmas celebrations, carols chiming on the roads, charity drives, sales and gigantic Christmas trees. Secondly, like Eid is for […]

Importance of 12th Rabi ul Awal

Importance of 12th Rabi ul Awal

The significance of 3rd Month of the Islamic calendar is due to being Shahr al-Mawhid which means the month of birth. The man born was the reply to the supplication of Hazrat Ibrahim. He was the glad tidings given by Hazrat Eissa to his people.  The birth of who was mentioned in preceding divine books.  […]

How US Muslims can spend December Holiday Season more effectively

December Holiday

December Holiday, The biggest problem with holidays is that we wait so long for them and when they finally come we have no idea how to make use of them. The holiday season is usually spent eating, watching useless TV, complaining that there is nothing to do and sleeping. These habits just need to stop. […]

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