Category : Informational
7 Supplications of Prophets for Success and Happiness
In the previous blog, we’ve discussed the manners and best times for supplicating. Let’s move further and see how our beloved Prophets and Messengers of Allah supplicated that got acceptance and Allah loved their supplication so much that HE mentioned them in Quran. In Quran, Allah clearly said in Surah al-Mu’min ayah 60; وَقَالَ رَبُّكُمُ […]
Preparaing For Eid Ul Adha Celebrations
The Muslims around the world celebrate two religiously festive holidays every year as ordered by Allah. Just after a month and ten days past Eid ul Fitr, Muslims celebrate Eid ul Adha following the obligatory sacrifice in their traditional ways. Eid ul Adha is all about Prophet Ibrahim and His pious son Prophet Ismail. This […]
Five Basic Guidelines Retrieved From the last Sermon of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
Imagine the ground of Arafah, back on the 10th of Hijra. The ground is packed with pilgrims who are looking towards the Jabil e Rehmat of the mount of Arafah with the eyes filled with tears. There is a man over there whose Ihram glows like a pearl. The man who was given a very […]
The Amazing Quranic Facts about the Paradise
We humans are creatures of heaven. Allah created Adam AS and Eve to live in paradise, but as they caught up in the satanic trap, Allah ﷻ ordered them to get down from paradise and live for a certain period on earth. We humans now have to earn our place in paradise in hereafter by […]
Scared Journey to Heart of Islam
Hajj pilgrimage the fifth pillar of Islam, that every Muslim must perform once in a lifetime when the physical and financial states are well. On the eighth of Zill hajj, the Hajj officially begins and last 6 days. In these six days, the Muslim has to perform all the essential rituals and end the hajj […]
Getting to Know The School – Five Pillars of Islam
In order to get enrolled in the pious school of Islam, one needs to adhere to five basic ideologies. Which are also known as the five pillars of Islam?. Islam has been one of the most beautiful religions ever since the last prophecy was established under the sanctuary of the last Messenger of Allah, Prophet […]
Exclusive Hajj 2017 For Muslim USA
Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam and almost everybody is aware of this fact. Performing Hajj erases the sins of the one performing and removes poverty. Hajj accepted by Allah Almighty leads directly to Paradise. Whoever the one performing Hajj prays for, Allah Almighty also removes his sins. What a wonderful religion, Islam is. […]
4 Tips to Develop a Deep Relationship with Quran
Quran –the last book of Allah ﷻ sent down from the Heavens to Earth and contains the ultimate guide for mankind. This is the book that carries the words of none other than the Creator Himself, brought to Earth by the biggest Angel, Rooh Al Quduth Jibraeel AS and delivered to the humans by Allah’s […]
Living with Depression and Islam
Depression In a world like this, nobody we can see is going without any struggles. People who are going through hardships and encounter situations that do not go their way often suffer from depression. Some say that depression is a state of mind where the human mind refuses to accept the reality and goes on […]
Know Why Supplication is the Ladder to Success
Supplicating to Allah is one of the best means to communicate your worries and problems and thank Him for all the blessings He gave you. The best month to supplicate before Allah Almighty is Ramadan. Believers spend their days and nights praying before Allah Almighty and asking for forgiveness. This is one of the best […]