Category : Informational
Life After Death-One of The Core Beliefs in Islam
Facts About Life After Death: – Life after death is one of the basic beliefs of Islam. It is this belief which ought to govern the life of every Muslim. Based on this belief, a Muslim must endure every pain faced in this world that on the Day of Resurrection his Allah will reward him […]
Why Is the Holy Kaaba Important to Muslims?
The Holy Kaaba: – Kaaba is the most sacred place for Muslims. It is the house of Allah. Kaaba has other names as well such as Bait-al-Atiq, the Ancient House and Bait-al-Haram, The Sacred House. The Holy Kaaba is cubical in shape. It measures fifteen meters in height while on the sides it is ten […]
Things You Need to Know About 10th Muharram (Day of Ashura)
There is a certain time in the Islamic year which is extra righteous than others. The 10th Muharram is such a day which is recognized as the day of Ashura. Following are some major things of this day found in the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah: It is a Holy month Allah mentions in the Holy […]
Laylatul Qadr – Seeking the Night of Power
“The Night of Decree is Better than a thousand of months’” –Al Qadr, verse 97 Allah SWT is extremely merciful to His slaves as He has favored and blessed us in so many ways. The favors are so much that we can simply not show nor enumerate the gratitude to Allah Almighty. Amid the long […]
Meezab e Rahmah – The Outlet of Mercy
Every year millions of Muslims flock together to visit the most honorable sites located in the city of Makkah, Kaaba tullah. The purpose of this holy journey is to offer the fifth pillar of Islam called Hajj. This is the largest annual congregation of the Muslims and is a major obligatory right of all the […]
The Secret of Successful Marriage
The relationship of marriage between the man and a woman is a complete picture of love, sacrifice, and companionship. Marriage can either arrange or love. Being a Muslim we all know that the foundation of Islamic society is laid by the legal relationship of a man and a woman. Marriage can either arrange or love. In […]
A Place of Spiritual Rebirth: City of Makkah
Imagine the feeling when you are entering into the most ancient place of the world; city of Makkah. This city holds the touch and warmth of the esteemed Prophets and angels and what not, you experience here the touch of the house of Allah! Is it possible that you meet and greet every unknown person […]
Get Ready for a Mesmerizing Trip to Egypt
The land of Egypt is unfamiliar to none. Egypt is termed as a mesmerizing and majestic destination for more reasons than one. And a lot of it has to do with its amazing recollection of beautiful Islamic historic places that believers come to witness from all around the globe. Whether you come to Egypt for […]
A Quick Guide on How to Perform Sa’ee?
How to Perform Sa’ee? Safa and Marwa are among the great signs of Allah Almighty. Every soul that visits Holy Kaabah cannot depart without visiting these famous hills and performing Sa’ee. The Pilgrims run around Safa and Marwa hilltops and complete seven rounds uttering words of Allah and calling upon him. Four times they reach […]
Sunnah Acts on Friday
Friday is considered as one of the most significant days of the week for Muslims. There are many Hadith about its importance and the things that should be done on this blessed day for the sake of the pleasure of Allah swt. It’s obligatory on Muslims to pray Friday’s prayer in a mosque. Imam delivers […]