Category : Informative
Dates – One of The Greatest Blessings of Allah
Benefits of Dates in The Light of Islam: – Dates are one of the most excellent foods that Allah has created for mankind. The small oval-shaped sweet bite-sized fruits are immensely abundant in nutritional value. Islam lays great stress upon the consumption of its. Allah wishes for the best of mankind. That is the reason […]
Travel to the heart of Makkah Saudi Arabia
Makkah the heart of Saudi Arabia: – Makkah is the holiest place for Muslims in the whole world. The city has a special place in Islam. It is the place where the house of Allah. The holy Kaabah is situated. It is the birthplace of the beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Every year millions of Muslims […]
Useful Tips to Memorize the Glorious Quran
The Holy Quran is a book of divine revelations. It is a complete book and has been sent down for the benefit of all mankind. The Holy Quran contains scripture that is complete and comprehensive. The Holy Quran’s text is in Arabic and this compilation of revelations was given to the Holy Prophet PBUH. Across […]