Category : Islam

Islamic Teachings in the Light of the Quran

Islamic Teachings in the Light of the Quran

Holy Quran-The Ultimate Source of Guidance The Holy Quran is a miracle of Allah. It is the only book which has been preserved in its original condition. It is a universal book whose teachings are not limited to a specific time or place. Its teachings are valid till the Day of Judgement. The Holy Quran […]

Seven Powerful Duas for Safe Traveling

Seven Powerful Duas for Safe Traveling

Do you feel anxious whenever you embark on a long journey? Are you traveling for work and wish to succeed? Today, we share the secret to protection and success in traveling. Significance of Duas for Safe Traveling Advancements in science and technology have made traveling much easier today. Hence, people travel more often nowadays. They […]

The Power of Dua: Connecting with Allah in Every Situation

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Dua is one of the most important acts of worship in Islam, establishing a direct connection with Allah. Its literal meaning in Arabic language is : “to praise Allah”. Its importance can easily be verified by the fact Allah himself said “ “Your Lord says, ‘Call on Me and I will answer you’.” (Holy Quran […]

Basic Knowledge of Islam for People New to the Faith

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The greatest and the only truthful religion in today’s time, Islam is considered one of the fastest-growing religions of today. Islam is based on the belief of the oneness of Allah SWT, the sole creator of the universe and the heavens above. Islam is not only a religion, it is considered as the complete way […]

Islam and Environmental Stewardship: Exploring the Concept of Khalifa

Concept of Khalifa

Islamic teachings about environmental sustainability:- Islam is a universal religion that goes beyond worship. Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) addressed issues such as environmental protection at a time when people could not profess what was about to come in the future. Allah has created man responsible for the protection of Earth. Everything within Earth is for […]

The Power of Forgiveness in the Story of Prophet Yusuf (AS)

Story of Prophet Yusuf

The Beautiful Story of Prophet Yusuf (AS) in the Holy Quran:- Allah tests us through pains, difficulties, family problems, and financial woes. However, he guides us on how to overcome all these problems in the light of Islam through the Holy Quran. The Quran is full of inspirational stories to motivate Muslims to fight tough […]

The history and Significance of Islamic Holidays

islamic holidays

The History of Muslims encompasses many significant events that they commemorate even today. Allah gave two occasions for the Muslims to celebrate, Eid-ul Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha. The remaining Islamic holidays have religious significance because of the important events attached to these dates. Eid-ul-Fitr: – Muslims celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr to thank Allah for the blissful month of […]

The challenges and opportunities for Muslims in today’s world

opportunities for Muslims

The Golden Age of the Abbasid Caliphate and Ottoman Empire provided countless opportunities for Muslims to conquer the world. Muslims led all the disciplines, such as astronomy, mathematics, philosophy, and architecture. Scientists, philosophers, architects, and travelers, such as Al Beiruni, Ibn Seena, Ibn Battuta, Sinan, and many others laid the foundation for the discoveries and […]

How many types and categories of hadith are there?

categories of Hadith

What is hadith, and what are the types of hadith? Hadith is the sayings and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The companions, their families, religious scholars, and their followers worked tirelessly to form collections of ahadith. There are various categories of hadith, based on different attributes. A true Muslim’s life revolves around the hadith and […]

Now pilgrims touch Kaaba-Covid restriction go

pilgrims touch Kaaba

Who Built The Kaaba? Kaaba is the most sacred place for Muslims on Earth. Hazrat Ibrahim and Ismail constructed the Holy Kaaba as a place of worship of Allah. However, over time, the pagans of Makkah deviated from the Guided Path and filled Kaaba with idols for worship. Pilgrims from different places would come to […]

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