Category : Islam
Brief history about masjid al Aqsa
Introduction about Masjid-e-Aqsa: – The holy mosque of Al Aqsa holds a special place in every Muslim’s heart. Every Muslim knows where is Masjid-e- Aqsa. After the holy mosques of Makkah and Madinah, it is Masjid-e-Aqsa that is the most revered mosque for Muslims. The importance of Madinah is paramount for Muslims. However, Jerusalem also […]
Key Elements of True Worship Allah in Spirit and Truth
“And Those Who Does Not Judge by What Allah Has Revealed, Such Are the Disbelievers” Worship Allah Islam is a religion of true faith and believes, as none of the believers, except Mohammad (S.A.W), has ever talked to Allah or had even seen a slight vision of Allah. The above reference of Quran tells us […]