Most famous festivals in Istanbul, Turkey

Istanbul, a piece of heaven on Earth

Istanbul is one of the most favorite cities in the world. It is the place where the most mesmerizing fusion of East and West takes place.  You can indulge in the beauty and glory of high rise minarets at one time while the serenity of the Bosphorus and the Marmara Sea can consume you totally. When looking for a wonderful trip to Istanbul?  make sure you lookout for opportunities to attend the famous festivals that take place in the city all year round. Some of them are listed here.

Istanbul, a piece of heaven on Earth

Festivals of Istanbul

Tulips festival is not to miss when you are in Turkey. If you are lucky enough to visit Istanbul in Spring season, make sure the Istanbul vacation packages that you consider give you a chance to attend the Tulip Festival as it is simply not to miss.

Tulip Festivals of Istanbul

International Istanbul film festival

This festival takes place annually and quite awaited by the locals as well as tourists from around the world. International Istanbul film festival also takes place in the spring season. So if you happen to visit Turkey in spring the country has a lot for you in-store. The festival showcases retro moves as well as the latest releases from around the globe. This festival is quite popular so it is always recommended to get a hold of tickets in advance as they sell out very quickly.

International Istanbul film festival

Conquest of Istanbul

Turkish people know it very well how to celebrate and keep their rich history alive. In the 1453 Istanbul, then known as Constantinople was occupied by a conqueror by the name of Mehmet. A vigorous reenactment of the conquest takes place in this festival. Not just that, the festival is characterized by colorful parades, extravagant exhibitions of Turkish arts and crafts and a great display of fireworks.

Conquest of Istanbul

Grease wrestling

In summer, particularly in the month of July, this festival takes place which has become quite popular among people. Although the place where it happens is quite distant from the main city, people travel great distances to view wrestlers greased in olive oil.

Grease wrestling

International Istanbul jazz festival

This festival is a delight for retro jazz, rock, and drum ‘n’ bass fans. It is an international festival with performers showcasing their talent from around the world.

Rock ‘n’ Coke

Somewhere at the start of September, this festival takes place which is spread over two days. It is one of the most looked forward music festivals of Turkey. Being an open-air event makes the ambiance even more amusing and festive.

Tuyap Book Fair

Apart from music festivals, literary festivals are also a great attraction in Istanbul. Tuyap Book Fair is the leading publishing festival in Turkey where eminent authors, intellectuals and scholars present their work. Those who attend the event also get a chance to buy the latest books at special discounts.

International Istanbul Biennial

This is a theme-based event which is a great tourist attraction. This is the reason why it is a part of most of the Istanbul tours. Artists from all over the world get a chance to showcase their work in the form of paintings, films and much more. There are screenings, installations and guided tours that allow attendees to make most out of the festival.

International Istanbul Puppet Festival

This is one of the most popular festivals in Istanbul. Amidst the spring season, it is a great chance to enjoy the long-forgotten form of art. Kids enjoy this festival a lot.

International Istanbul Puppet Festival

These were some of the festivals that ideally should be part of fun-filled and happening in Istanbul, Turkey.

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