Ihram for Umrah: The Significance Behind the Practice

The view of Muslims, ensembled in white drapes, performing Tawaf around the Holy Kabah is mesmerizing. What makes the plain white garment so special? The Ihram embodies the essence of Islam. Let’s discover the significance and practices of Ihram.

Ihram for Umrah

Ihram is the first pillar of Umrah. Ihram in Arabic means to make sacred. Before entering the boundaries of Makkah, the pilgrims must enter the state of Ihram which is the state of purity. Ihram is the most important component of Umrah or Hajj. One cannot perform the religious journey without assuming Ihram. The pilgrims wear Ihram when they leave home, at the airport, or when they hear the announcement in the airplane that they are about to cross Miqat and it is time to make niyah and wear Ihram. The pilgrims perform all the Umrah rituals in Ihram, such as tawaf and sai in the state of Ihram.

Importance of Ihram in Umrah

A Symbol of Equality

Ihram is more than just a piece of cloth. It has a profound spiritual meaning. The two plain white cloths signify simplicity, equality, peace, and harmony. It sums up the essence of Islam-the religion of peace. Muslims from all over the world stand united in the service of their Creator, defying any differences of country, social status, caste, or creed. Islam teaches all Muslims are equal to Allah. No one is superior to others, except in the status of piety.

Builds Humility and Submission to Allah

As the pilgrims perform Umrah around the Kabah, they testify to the absolute might and authority of Allah. We are nothing but His obedient servants. All the wealth and riches are from Allah. We have no part in making those achievements possible. It is Allah’s will and He can take it back as well. Therefore, we must always strive to achieve his pleasure by performing good deeds.

A Reminder of the Day of Judgement

Another reason why Ihram is so significant is that it resembles the shroud used to wrap the dead ones. Engrossed in our daily lives, we forget how trivial this world is compared to life in the hereafter. We race to achieve our worldly goals so dedicatedly that we forget the reality of life which is death. Everything we do and achieve will remain in this world. Only our deeds will go with us in the next world. Therefore, Ihram plays a critical role in purifying our souls.

Practices of Ihram

To enter the state of Ihram, there are some reinforcements and prohibitions the pilgrim must follow. Here are some things that are prohibited.

Fragrance and Cosmetics

The objective of Ihram is simplicity and modesty. Therefore, any sort of fragrance is not allowed in Ihram. Pilgrims must use unscented soap, and shampoo, and abstain from using perfume. Also, women must not apply make-up.

Nail Clipping and Hair Cutting

Cut your nails before wearing Ihram as after that you cannot cut your hair or nails. Just like abstinence from makeup, the purpose of this prohibition is to disassociate from beautifying oneself.

Sexual Relationship

Ihram is a state of purity. Therefore, one must keep his thoughts and actions pure. The purpose is to submit oneself completely to Allah.

Hunting or Killing Animals

Complying with the aspect of peace and harmony, pilgrims must not harm even animals when in the state of Ihram. They must be non-violent and compassionate.

Getting Into Fights

The purpose of going to Umrah 2025 is to attain Allah’s approval. By getting into fights and arguments, one can only displease Allah. Therefore, such acts are prohibited in Ihram.

How to Assume Ihram

Ihram for men consists of two pieces of white cloth. Rida is the cloth that covers the upper body, while Izar covers the lower body. Men must not wear sandals or shoes that cover their ankles. For women, Ihram is quite simple. They just have to wear anything that sufficiently covers their body. However, they must not cover their face. Here is the process for assuming Ihram:

  • Perform Ghusl

This is the ritual bath one takes to purify oneself. If for any reason one can’t bathe, perform Wudhu.

  • Wear Ihram

Now wear the two pieces of garment. Women can wear their usual but modest clothes.

  • Offer Prayer

Offer two rakats salah to attain Allah’s goodwill.

  • Make Niyah

Make an intention to perform Umrah by saying:

“Labbaik Allahumma Umrah” (O Allah, I respond to Your call for Umrah).

  • Recite Talbiyah

Once you start your journey recite Talbiyah and supplications for Umrah.

Final Thoughts

Ihram symbolizes purity, devotion to Allah, and brotherhood among Ummah. It is the cornerstone of Umrah. By assuming Ihram you enjoy the essence of Umrah. By abiding by the conditions of Ihram, you make your Umrah acceptable to Allah.

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