Important Facts of Maqam-e-Ibrahim

Have you ever wondered why Islam’s Station of Ibrahim is so sacred? Do you know the history of this miraculous stone? Let’s uncover some of the most interesting facts about Maqam-e-Ibrahim.

Maqam-e-Ibrahim-Allah’s Miracle for Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)

Maqam-e-Ibrahim was Allah’s blessing for the revered prophet, Hazrat Ibrahim (AS). Also known as Khalil-ul-Allah, Hazrat Ibrahim was one of Allah’s most beloved prophets. He never hesitated to give up anything for the cause of Allah. When Muslims go to the Holy Kabah to perform Hajj or Umrah, it is extremely pleasing to witness this sacred stone.

When Allah commanded Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) to build Holy Kabah as a place of Allah’s worship, He sent this heavenly stone to help Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) with the process. The height of Holy Kabah is around 50 feet. To complete the construction, he needed something to stand on. He used to stand on the stone to supervise the construction of the holy structure. Whenever Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) used to stand on the stone it used to soften.

Hazrat Ibrahim’s footprints are engraved on the stone. Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) used to stand on the holy stone with Hazrat Ismail (AS) on his shoulders to place stones in higher areas. Then Hazrat Ismail (AS) would place those stones. The stone miraculously rose when Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) wanted to place stones in higher places.

Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) also used to stand on this stone and call people to worship one God, Allah. It is the stone from where he used to invite people to perform pilgrimage.

This stone is profoundly important as one of Islam’s building blocks. It carries the legacy of the beloved Prophet Ibrahim (AS). Muslims from all over the world come to the holy land to witness this miraculous stone.

Location of Maqam-e-Ibrahim

Initially, the Maqam was attached to the Holy Kabah. However, during the caliphate of Hazrat Omer (RA), he suggested changing the stone’s location to accommodate the pilgrims. All the sahaba unanimously accepted the suggestion. Hence, today we see the stone on the east of the Holy Kabah at its entrance.

Maqam-e-Ibrahim has a rectangular structure measuring 8 inches in height, 14 inches in width, and 15 inches in length. The stone has yellow, red, and white hues. There are imprints of Prophet Ibrahim’s feet on the stone. One is about 10cm deep, while the other is 9cm deep.

Importance of Maqam-e-Ibrahim

Maqam-e-Ibrahim has immense significance for Muslims. After the completion of Kabah’s construction, Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) offered two rakats prayer at Moqam-e-Ibrahim. Allah commanded the Muslims to follow Hazrat Ibrahim’s (AS) sunnah and offer prayers at the designated place.

Therefore, after completing the Tawaf Muslims offer two rakats prayer. In the first rakat, they recite Surah al-Kafiroon after Surah al-Fatiha and Surah al-Ikhlas in the second rakat. However, if a person cannot find a place near Maqam-e-Ibrahim, they can offer prayer anywhere else that is less crowded.

Moqam-e-Ibrahim is a hallmark of the resolve and commitment of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) and Hazrat Ismail (AS) towards Allah. It is one of the three heavenly stones sent to Earth. The other two are Hajr-e-Aswad and the stone of Bani Israel.          

Preservation of Maqam-e-Ibrahim

Even after so many centuries, Maqam-e-Ibrahim is preserved as a sacred artifact. It is enclosed in a glass case to protect it from any damage. It is at the front of the Holy Kabah’s door, situated between Hajr-e-Aswad and the Iraqi corner. Muslims try to reach the spot when they embark on their holy journey. When they reach Maqam-e-Ibrahim, they make dua as it is one of the sacred places where Allah verily accepts the prayers.

Miracle of Allah

It proves that Allah sends divine help to those who remain steadfast on the Righteous Path. Muslims should utilize this blessing from Allah and respect the holy stone. However, Muslims should refrain from pushing each other at such a revered place. If one cannot reach Maqam-e-Ibrahim, they should send their homage by staying afar.

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