Istighfar and Tawbah – How and Why
The terms Istighfar and Tawbah are two common words uttered from the mouths of every Muslim believer. At times, these words are used interchangeably. However, they are two separate words that possess two separate meanings.
So what does istighfar and tawbah mean? How are they performed in terms of gaining value upon its benefits? Last but not least, why or what is their significance in today’s day and age for every Muslim believer. To help you understand more about the power of these two terms in Islam, we’ve outlined everything you need to know about both Istighfar and Tawbah.
What do the terms Istighfar and Tawbah mean?
Istighfar is the name given to the terms, ‘I seek forgiveness of ALLAH.’ Istighfar is an important supplication for every Muslim believer and is also renowned as being a great Sunnah of the Holy Prophet PBUH. It is recommended that every Muslim performs the Sunnah of reciting Astagfirullah at least 100 times a day to gain the numerous benefits of their Creator.
Tawbah is the name given to the terms ‘turning back to ALLAH.’ Tawbah in simpler meaning is recited to depict a feeling of regret for an error or a sin that a believer has become caught up in. Tawbah shows the Creator that the believer feels remorse and regret after performing some evil act or bad deed.
Why do Muslims perform Istighfar and Tawbah?
Istighfar brings with it a bountiful of rewards and benefits when it is recited with pure intention. This includes the following:
- It acts as a gateway of all things good, happy and pure relief
- Istighfar manages to remove anxiety from a believer’s heart while allowing a number of prayers to become answered
- It opens numerous doors of mercy from ALLAH while providing believers with knowledge, sustenance, and productivity.
Tawbah is another great supplication that brings with it great rewards for those who indulge upon it with clear intentions.
- Tawbah has been regarded as a wonderful way to purify the soul
- It manages to wipe a believer’s sins away while replacing them with an abundance of good deeds.
How to correctly perform both Istighfar and Tawbah?
Istighfar is a very powerful supplication and should be recited via tasbeeh- at least 100 times a day. This form of repentance carries great significance and it should be remembered to be offered without any delay. Remember, tomorrow is never guaranteed so always recite Astagfirullah without any form of delay.
Tawbah is known to be performed after a fixed set of requisites are fulfilled. These include the following:
- When a believer is guilty about his past sins and hopes for a sin-free future
- A believer decides upon pure intentions for the sake of his Creator
- There is a strong and sincere urge to never repeat the sin
- A promise is made to never ever repeat the evil deed again