Right Way of Offering Salah

Right Way of Offering Salah, All humans are created by the Lord of the Heavens. They are slaves of Allah Almighty and are programmed to connect with Him. This instinct of worship is a great gift for Muslim that enables them to have a bond with Allah SWT spiritually. Islam offers different ways of this spiritual connection of which one is Salah. It is the 2nd pillar of Islam from the Five pillars of Islam. Every adult Muslim has an obligation to perform Salah five times a day according to Right Way of Offering Salah.

Right Way of Offering Salah according to Sunnah

way of offering salah according to Sunnah

Direction towards Kaabah

Turning face towards Qiblah before Salah is the first condition of performing Salah. Allah SWT ordered Muslims in Surah Al Baqarah verse 144:


The person must make his intentions pure after facing towards Kaaba. The intention is of particular importance as the reward of any deed will be given according to its intention.

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The correct way of saying takbeer is to say “Allah o Akbar” a loud and place both hands near to ears. The hands must then be folded over the chest with the right hand over left. The eyes of the person must rest at the spot where his forehead rests.

Surah Fatiha

Surah Fatiha is an essential element of Salah. After the Takbeer, following supplication must be recited:

It should be followed by Surah Fatiha and then any other Surah from Quran.


Then the person must say Allah o Akbar and bow in Ruku. He must recite:


After Ruku the person should stand and recite:

This is the state of Qomah.


Prostration follows the Qomah. The person offering Salah then move towards prostration while saying Allah o Akbar and should recite:

Then the person must sit after Sajdah and then while saying Allah o Akbar perform the second prostration uttering the same words as above. The person must sit after Sajdah for a while and then stand up for second Rakat.


The second Rakat starts with Surah Fatiha and is same till the second Sajdah. After second prostration the person must sit and say:

At Ash-haduan la ilaha the person must raise his forefinger of a right hand.


The Darood is then followed by Tashahod. It states:

The person can say the Sunnahduas or prayers after Darood if he wills.

End of Salah

The Salah gets end when the person turns his face towards the right and say

Then he must move his face towards the left and repeat the same.

Salah represents the submission of the Muslims towards Almighty Allah. It has numerous benefits that are spiritual as well as physical. The Quran has highlighted the significance of Salah more than any other topic. Allah SWT emphasized Muslims to learn the proper way of Salah and offer at mentioned times. Establishment of Salah five times a day is critical and so is the right way to perform it.

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