Category : Informative

Seven Powerful Duas for Safe Traveling

Seven Powerful Duas for Safe Traveling

Do you feel anxious whenever you embark on a long journey? Are you traveling for work and wish to succeed? Today, we share the secret to protection and success in traveling. Significance of Duas for Safe Traveling Advancements in science and technology have made traveling much easier today. Hence, people travel more often nowadays. They […]

Quranic Verses about Ramadan

Quranic Verses To welcome the most awaited month of Islamic calendar ‘Ramadan’, rejoice its arrival as Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was sent down on Allah’s last messenger (P.B.U.H) as guidance for mankind and Muslims refrain from eating and drinking during these 29/30 days by keeping a fast.  Therefore it is advised […]

Plan Your Group Umrah 2025: The Perfect Time to Book

Plan Your Group Umrah 2025

Do you long to embark on the holy journey of Umrah with your friends and family? What could be more enriching and satisfying than standing in front of the Holy Kabah and listening to the Azaan with your beloveds around you? A group Umrah is a memorable spiritual journey that leaves a lasting impact on […]

Combine Umrah with a Holiday for Ultimate Serenity

Combine Umrah with a Holiday for Ultimate Serenity

Are you having difficulty choosing between spirituality and relaxation? Why not have both? Begin your trip from the sacred land of Makkah and Madinah and continue it to Europe or the Middle East to explore Allah’s beautiful creations. Combine Umrah with a holiday to thank Allah for his countless bounties and create wonderful memories with […]

Divorce – the Islamic Perspective


Marriage is an endorsed union of a man and woman that is approved by Allah ﷻ. ideally, the purposes of marriage in Islam are; To restrain physical desires To obtain an organized domestic life To fulfill the responsibility of children The development of family line To maintain a balanced human society. Other than these inevitable […]

The Power of Dua: Connecting with Allah in Every Situation

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Dua is one of the most important acts of worship in Islam, establishing a direct connection with Allah. Its literal meaning in Arabic language is : “to praise Allah”. Its importance can easily be verified by the fact Allah himself said “ “Your Lord says, ‘Call on Me and I will answer you’.” (Holy Quran […]

The Role of the Muslim Family in Strengthening Society

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The values and structure of an Muslim society are one of the best of its kind in the world, with ethical, moral, and religious values being one of the most identifiable and key features of the society. And one of the most important core elements fostering these types of noble values is an ideal Muslim […]

The Importance of Daily Prayers (Salah) in Islam

Deluxe Umrah Package 6 Nights

Daily Prayers (Salah) is one of the most important statues of Islam, serving as the main activity in the worship of Almighty Allah. It’s importance can be measured at just how much it is obligated on a believer’s daily life. Obligated 5 times a day, it is also one of the best ways one can […]

Islam and Environmental Stewardship: Exploring the Concept of Khalifa

Concept of Khalifa

Islamic teachings about environmental sustainability:- Islam is a universal religion that goes beyond worship. Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) addressed issues such as environmental protection at a time when people could not profess what was about to come in the future. Allah has created man responsible for the protection of Earth. Everything within Earth is for […]

The Power of Forgiveness in the Story of Prophet Yusuf (AS)

Story of Prophet Yusuf

The Beautiful Story of Prophet Yusuf (AS) in the Holy Quran:- Allah tests us through pains, difficulties, family problems, and financial woes. However, he guides us on how to overcome all these problems in the light of Islam through the Holy Quran. The Quran is full of inspirational stories to motivate Muslims to fight tough […]

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